Short Stories

Stanhope Public School

The Haunted Lighthouse
Melissa Geldhauser

   There was a lighthouse keeper who went to the top of the Barnegat Lighthouse every night and turned on the light, sat down, and read his newspaper. Every night it was the same thing, turn on the light, sit down and read the newspaper.
The lighthouse keeper was an old kind man who would never hurt a fly. His wife had died 5 years ago and he had no children. This was his life.   
    One night the lighthouse keeper went to turn on the light and the electricity was out. He went into the storage room to investigate.  He found an old newspaper dated November 17, 1945, over 50 years ago! 
The man sat down, lit a match, and anxiously read the newspaper. On the front page was an article about a lighthouse keeper who died in that very lighthouse!
The man became a little concerned. He started to hear noises at the top of the lighthouse. He crept up the stairs with extreme caution.
It was pitch black so he reached for the light switch.  He realized he did not have any light so he lit another match and continued up the stairs.
It started to get cold and damp at the top. He started to feel drops of water on his forehead. He was almost to the top when he felt someone or something tap him on the shoulders. He turned around and the site he saw was horrifying.
He turned to push this thing down the stairs but he slipped and fell. He died instantly of a broken neck.
Three months had past and no one knew that this man was dead. Finally, a police officer noticed that the lighthouse was not as bright as usual.   He went to check it out. The police officer found nothing. Until this day, no one knows where the body went.

The Unexpected Moment

                                                                   by Alina Hancock

      There was a group of 5 teenage girls who won a trip to go on a small sailing trip to Long Beach Island. They didn't know it but the Backstreet Boys were taking the same trip.
     They didn't have enough separate boats left for each of them to have their own.  The Backstreet Boys offered to share their boat with the girls.  They were thrilled.
     That first night, there was a horrible storm.  The boat sunk leaving all of them floating in the water.
     There was no sign of help.  One of the girls couldn't feel her legs.  Kevin helped here to feel better and not worry.
     Brian saw a light in the distance and they all swam to it.  When they got there, they saw a lighthouse on the island.  They quickly ran to it to try to get help.
     Ten minutes later, an ambulance came to the rescue and took the injured girl to the hospital.  The other group members and the girls went on a big rescue boat back home.
     It was a day the girls dreamed of but never expected to turn out like it did.

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